Looking for Mr. Status Bar (c) 1992 by Tom Swan. All rights reserved. Note: You may use any of the files in the STATUS.ZIP file to create your own compiled programs, which you may distribute free of any charge or royalty. The STATDEMO program and related files demonstrate how to add a status bar as a child window to an ObjectWindows (OWL) program. To compile STATDEMO, use Borland C++ for Windows 3.1 to create a project named STATDEMO.PRJ. (A sample .PRJ file is included in the ZIP file.) Add STATDEMO.CPP first to the project window, then add the other files. Specify STATDEMO.RC for BCW 3.1. For BCW 3.0, specify STATDEMO.RES instead of STATDEMO.RC. Run the program and try its menus and commands. The commands are dummies, so feel free to play. Use the File|Exit command to quit. For more information about the files, see my column "Shades of Windows" appearing regularly in PC TECHNIQUES. Enjoy! Tom Swan Compuserve ID 73627,3241 Advertisement: -------------- My new book, "Mastering Borland C++ (3.1)" is now available from Sams and from most book stores. The book includes complete ANSI C and C++ tutorials, plus chapters on BGI graphics, Turbo Vision, and Borland's class library (in class and template forms). There's also a reference to the Borland C++ standard function library, plus a chapter on ObjectWindows programming, with Windows 3.1 TrueType and common-dialog sample programs. A high-density disk is included with the book. (A 3.5-inch replacement disk is available on request from the publisher.) All listings, answers to exercises, function reference examples, plus extra shareware and public domain programs are supplied. Price: $39.95. Approx. 1500 pages.